Sphère Emploi - France Travail

by France Travail



Has your France Travail advisor invited you to join Sphère emploi?Download the application, complete your profile, and interact with other job seekers, advisors, but also other players in the employment market and business creation.The network is one of the keys to your job search. Come consult, meet, share, exchange. Organize and attend events to grow your network!Sphère emploi is the France Travail social network where you will find:- Advice and information provided by job seekers and advisors,- Sharing, mutual assistance, feedback from other members present on the network (job seekers, companies, partners, advisors),- Peace of mind with a secure social network guaranteeing private exchanges within restricted communities.Identify your areas of expertise, your needs and the expertise you can bring to find the right people and put you in contact with members of the community.Sphère emploi is part of the service offered by France Travail to support you in your efforts.Happy browsing and see you soon on Sphère emploi!